Development of proteomics tools
Our team aims at bringing the power and flexibility of the R/Bioconductor statistical plateform to mass spectrometry based proteomics. The Bioconductor plateform is a repertory of softwares, data and annotation packages based on the R statistical language. This plateform allows to quickly build new analytical pipelines by seamlessly connecting various tools for data manipulation, statistical analysis, annotation or visualisation. The bioconductor plateform also facilitates the deployment of a pipeline on HPC servers or on cloud computing services.
Two packages on this plateform are currently developed: rTANDEM and shinyTANDEM. rTANDEM is the first protein identification algorithm implemented in R. It includes the tandem algorithm as well as many associated scoring functions like the k-score, hrk-score and PTMTreeSearch-score. The package also provides converter functions allowing quick conversions between R-object and XML files.