Prediction of drug toxicity

Prediction of drug toxicity

Despite the importance of knowing a drug’s mechanism of action (MOA) for its success in clinical trials and for understanding its potential side effects, it is not a requirement for Food Drug Administration (FDA) approval. As a result, many drugs on the market...


Development of proteomics tools Our team aims at bringing the power and flexibility of the R/Bioconductor statistical plateform to mass spectrometry based proteomics. The Bioconductor plateform is a repertory of softwares, data and annotation packages based on the R...


Epigenomics In the past decade, the main strategy for genome-wide mapping of chromatin modifications, histone marks and interactions between DNA and proteins, has been ChIP followed by microarray analysis (ChIP-chip). Recent improvements in the efficiency, quality,...

Kibio The project (link) is an online biohub portal that combines Elasticsearch, a fast search engine designed to manage very large amounts of data, and Siren, a web visualization plugin, thatcreates relational links between biological databases....

Biomarker discovery by machine learning

Machine learning We use machine learning approaches in different projects to analyze omics data. We also develop machine learning tools to help biomarker signature identification from disease-derived omics datasets. Omics datasets are generally highly unbalanced,...